Tourism: Sustainable development asset in Morocco?

Tourism is now the largest source of export earnings well before the automobile, chemical, food, computers or oil. It involves considerable capital investment, generates substantial revenues and creating important jobs. Thus, for many countries, it is a vital source of foreign exchange; it is even the primary source for 38% of the country, according to a report by the World Tourism Organization on the development of tourismedans the world, published in 2003. 

A major tourist destination on the southern shores of the Mediterranean, Morocco, attracted by its natural wonders, its imperial cities, climate, hospitality and generosity of its people ... Everything for Morocco to become the one of the popular Mediterranean destinations of foreign tourists. 

The tourism sector plays an important role in the Moroccan economy. An analysis of the annual report of the Central Bank of Morocco published in 2004 shows that its share is three times higher than that of seafood, textiles and agriculture. Thus, one of the most important in terms of economic growth, foreign exchange, investment and job creation sectors appears to be tourism. Indeed, in 2003, according to the report, tourism accounted for 6.9% of GDP, created 600,000 jobs directly generated 5.9 billion dirhams of investment flows, with a capacity of 97,000 beds classified. All this explains this correlation is often assumed between tourism and development Economic.

L'apport of tourism in Morocco is certainly important. It is increasingly regarded by officials as a strategic sector to support economic development. But what about the costs to the environment and social and sustainable development? The main objective of this paper is to explore the aspects that will make tourism a motor activity of sustainable development in Morocco. 

We start by treating tourism in Morocco and especially the vision 2010, we look at some problems that hinder its implementation. How to join this ambitious strategy to develop and increase the quantity of tourist activity with that of wanting to make tourism a sustainable activity in relapsed and without loss of its diverse tourism potential? This will be the issue which will be discussed later. 

Tourism in Morocco 

The Morocco granted in its development policy, a special place to tourism in the late 1960s, however, it has often adopted as ad hoc policies to develop the tourism sector. Since independence, successive governments have sought to encourage the sector without making the necessary political will. It was not until 2001 that the decision was taken at the highest level of the state to chart a new strategy involving the sectors in both public and private with a new vision called "Vision 2010". 

Conscients the attractive scenery and wealth of heritage are not enough to ensure the success of the tourism sector in the absence of a genuine policy suited to the needs of the market, professionnelsinsistaient on the importance of considering this area as an "export sector", a motor industry to trigger the deep dynamics of economic and social growth that Morocco still looking after several years of adjustments and structural reforms. 

In fact, the potential to conquer tourist markets pushed Moroccan officials to develop, within a framework agreement signed in January 2001 between the government and the operators of the sector, an ambitious strategy for tourism in the 2010: the home of the 10 million tourists, achieving 160,000 new beds, creating 600 jobs 000nouveaux, the increase in annual foreign exchange earnings of 20 to 80 billion dirhams and a GDP contribution of order of 2 to 3 points per year. The Morocco therefore aims to pass, in the space of ten years, from the 39th to one of the world's top 20 destinations. 

Sous the leadership of this framework agreement the Azur plan was launched. This is to develop six new high potential areas, located near airports: Khmis Sahel Larache, Mogador in Essaouira, Saida Ras El Ma in the Oujda region, El Haouzia in El Jadida, Agadir Taghazout and finally white Beach Guelmim. The achievement of these sites will double the capacity of accommodation, to help accommodate 10 million tourists. 

Pourtant, even if indeed Morocco has significant assets that can help achieve the vision 2010, it turned out that this country does not yet have the infrastructure to match its ambitions and keep the industry heavily penalized by problems such as land, taxation, financing and training. 

Cependant if certain problems related to the investment, namely land and tax laws were largely resolved over the last three years, the equity financing and training should be priorities of all stakeholders in sector. Professionals questioned mainly on the financial side itself and the safety and profitability of the funds provided by investors and lenders. 

To go from small-scale to the integration of the world of industrial tourism, massive investments are needed. In fact, the promotion of tourism in Morocco requires significant investments especially in terms of accommodation and infrastructure. The plan calls for a total investment that requires an investment of over 100 billion dirhams. To reassure lenders will require that Morocco can offer an internal efficiency of 12% and a 60% occupancy rate of hotels. 

The issue of financing tourism projects is complex. Several components are related in particular to the complexity of the sector, at the risk of overcapacity, the risk associated with the environment, capital intensity, as well as bank financing. The principle of development of these areas adopted by the Moroccan government is to appoint a private body responsible for setting up and selling ready-land areas. The State, for its part, is responsible for off-site infrastructure, such as water, electricity ... so that later, "the planner-developer" is responsible for the management of certain common services. For Morocco, the "aménageur- developer" is a new idea. The ideal planner-developer is a consortium of international investors and a local group. But apparently this is not a prerequisite, as the key is to find the planner-developer needs to invest, sometimes up to a billion dirhams to prepare an area in a precise specifications . The selection of these aménageurs- developers began in the first quarter of 2003 until now, the effort of the Moroccan government has focused on supporting the Azur Plan by participating in and supporting the acquisition of 3000hectares essential to the settlements of cities and seaside the necessary accompanying measures. 

The Moroccan government will not increase the burden of foreign debt. As a result, the use of local private funds is essential. The mobilization of savings and its orientation to the tourism sector by financial institutions and the banking system have become the key to the success of any Vision 2010. 

The Moroccans are called to invest in tourism development of their country. To mobilize public savings, you must first modify and adapt the local regulations in this area. 

En Also, do not forget training, restructuring of the cultural offer, strengthening marketing budgets and advertising, financing of the restructuring of the airline industry, investments in road and sanitation, safe ... 

Outre these problems, tourism in Morocco strongly raises the question of its effect on the environment and society. Indeed, Morocco, for many analysts, this ambition to reach the target of 10 million tourists in 2010 is part of the development of mass tourism. They wonder if the Morocco with its plan Azur, will not be brought to practice with some delay an already experienced elsewhere policy, which today poses serious problems of all kinds, especially environmental and social. Today, reality dictates to promote sustainable tourism development. 

Aucun project real development can not ignore the essential characteristics of natural and cultural environment, needs, aspirations and values ​​of mobilizing populations. Morocco has many tourist potential still to develop. Sustainable tourism in its broadest sense is. It is now in its infancy; this requires the establishment of a development strategy for sustainable tourism to address an important potential application assessed in 2010. 

In fact, the development of tourism is a legitimate concern in a country that has several advantages such as Morocco, but it must be performed with caution in the context of sustainable tourism, in time and in space. Given the importance of this activity, given its economic, social and environmental issues, the question of the sustainability of tourism should be a major concern. 

The tourism is it a factor of sustainable development? This activity remains "two-faced, structuring and destructuring, productive and degrading factor instrument of freedom and difference" (Bensahel and Donsimoni 2000). What does it then that tourism plays the key role that it be granted to build a sustainable development asset in Morocco? How to integrate the issue of sustainability in the global view provided by the program contract in 2010? This will be the subject of the second part of our article. 

Strategy for Sustainable Tourism in Morocco 

The notion of "sustainable development" was officially introduced in 1987 in the Brundtland Report for the United Nations, which defines that to be sustainable, development must "meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, "one of the most famous definitions published in the 1987 report of the UN Commission on Environment and Development, commonly known as the" Brundtland Report ". 

The pursuit of sustainability is placed at the crossroads of three concerns, economic, social and environmental: the pursuit of economic development without which nothing is possible, looking for greater social justice, finally, concern protection and renewal of natural resources not indefinitely extensible ... the twentieth century was therefore closed with a global awareness that environmental and social issues are major development strategies. The concept of sustainable development applies to tourism. Thus, the various branches of international tourism are mobilizing to meet the principles of sustainable development, and introduce the concepts of management and environmental and social audits, implement codes of practice, working on quality labels that influence destination choice, promote sustainable tourism ... 

The sustainable tourism as "any form of development, development or tourism that respects and preserves long-term natural, cultural and social resources, and contributes positively to economic development and equitable manner and to the development of individuals who live, work or reside in these areas. "This definition of the World Tourism Organization, published on its website, containing the main principles of the Rio Declaration on Sustainable Development in 1992, adapting to the tourism sector. The concept of sustainable tourism incentive to put people and the environment at the center of any discussion on strategies for development of tourism. Adopt sustainable tourism, it is also and primarily to affirm the political will to control its development in meeting the different needs of the players who live in the area concerned. 

The Morocco can likely take advantage of tourism to its not only economic development, but sustainable. The awareness of this fact is a prerequisite. However, one question that often arises is how to find answers to the development of sustainable tourism. 

Cela presupposes that the concepts of development and progress are not only valued in economic and business logic; they deserve to be redefined relativizing traditional quantitative indicators of the tourism economy. It could possibly introduce elements such as: the number of visitors, the spending multiplier, jobs created, foreign exchange earnings, profitability ... trying to take into account all the costs (environmental, cultural and social) of tourism in the long term, the distribution of wealth induced the quality of life of the people concerned ... a set of goals to which tourism has not always used to confront. 

A Another prerequisite for meeting the challenge of development in Morocco condition is the involvement of the majority of actors, surely conflicting interests in developing viable strategies for sustainable tourism development. Working with the diversity of actors is to recognize that there are different approaches. Taking into account the territorial logic on the one hand, logic entrepreneurial other hand, is also fundamental. Although the process is long, because it requires a considerable amount of mobilization and coordination of the actors took their diversity. 

The tourism, generate jobs and foreign exchange sector could also provide an opportunity for Morocco to have a key resource for development and the fight against poverty. However, tourism in Morocco players still do not seem mobilized in concrete projects for sustainable tourism. Indeed, economic sustainability prevails again. It is true that a number of officials and tourism stakeholders strive to offer products that respect the man and his environment. However, the gap between rhetoric and reality is enormous; the bridge is of fundamental importance. 

The tourism, national priority in Morocco, can become a "winning strategy" if the "Sustainable Tourism" option is chosen and widely pursued by all. Any strategy that manages investments, occupations and promotion should be based on sustainable systems approach adapted to the realities. The pricing and the introduction of a quality label should lead to the best quality / price ratio. For all branches of tourism, regular monitoring, supervision and control must quickly put in place. 

We believe that we must first of all that "environmental and social" are among the foundations of all tourism products "Morocco". There is an urgent need for a true reflection on the products to introduce into the "traditional" beach and "cultural" products the "emotions" and "authenticity" that often lack key. The search for a true balance between supply and demand is essential. Be aware that the tourist today wants to turn to new forms of more interactive and authentic tourism. 

The Morocco has varied tourist attractions related to the diversity of its climate, its topography, its soil, its cultures ... We note that, despite this diversity of opportunities, the distribution is uneven; concentration induces a concentration attendance impacts on territories which it is important to appreciate the fragility; economic structure is not diverse enough to absorb crises ... 

Aujourd'hui, there is a significant gap between strong demand emanating both foreign tourists and domestic urban populations of Moroccans living abroad and in return offers an unorganized. It is therefore to develop and structure the offer so that it meets the expectations, which requires to be associated with the national will, already established in the program contract in 2010, all local initiatives that are certainly numerous, but that are not well developed. The evaluation of the positive effects of existing in tourism, but also the prediction and anticipation of adverse effects and their management are needed. The role of each participant, whether public, private, local government, association, university ... must be clearly identified and synergies should be defined carefully and quickly. We also believe that the sectors of education need to create and strengthen training in the trades of sustainable tourism. 

Au Morocco and at sessions for fourth tourist held in Casablanca in February 2004, it was considered more open rural tourism. Before doing so, it is essential to be concerned about the capacity of the media, the establishment of a zoning regulations for land use, to provide advocacy, regulatory and supervisory to accept the eventual decision to direct visitors to other areas or interests if the characteristics of an area require overly high investment against the possible benefits of tourism ... 

Au within professional organizations, it is necessary to consider the establishment of "special funds" to guarantee the sustainability of products and creating ways to protect and preserve the sites and the natural and cultural heritage and, in immediately. Special funding formulas for the creation of works and specific accommodations will also be implemented. 

A of the questions - especially professionals - is that of profitability. The calculation of profitability of any economic activity can not be solely in monetary and financial terms. Obviously, it takes into account all gains and long-term costs (reduced costs for energy efficiency, for example) and thus affects the whole of society (impacts on other economic sectors, the quality lives of people ...). Sustainable tourism could possibly be especially indicative of sustainable profitability, reproduction of the activity itself, as it could help preserve the attractiveness and thus the success of a destination. 

Dès then, applying the criteria of sustainable tourism likely be an opportunity to retain a greater proportion of revenues. These could be reinvested in tourism and the protection of sites and improving them for future generations, facilitating the creation of small businesses and jobs. Sustainable tourism can also be a lever for technology diffusion, crafts, development of water supply and water treatment network, communications, agriculture and public health services and education . In addition, there is an opportunity to promote a participatory process of community in its own human development and a collective sense of respect. 

Quand we address the issue of sustainable development and, as relevant here, sustainable tourism, an element is needed: innovation. For all stakeholders in the tourism sector and meet the new configuration of global tourism demand, innovation indeed seen as a driving force for sustainable tourism development elements. That is to innovate, while controlling the development of new services by exploiting new markets, ensuring the maintenance of the product offered, respect for the environment and the people ... the principles of sustainable tourism development. 

"In the next decade, the tourism change more than in recent decades. "This quote taken from Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates, perfectly captures the magnitude of the upcoming changes in the tourism sector. Innovation is the single most important driver of competitiveness, growth and employment in the long term. 

En Indeed, in an environment increasingly difficult, stakeholders in the tourism sector in Morocco and elsewhere are forced to constantly innovate. Returns to innovate with new ideas, new methods, new products, to help the tourism industry to better withstand the various economic crises, political, socio-cultural ... The new mechanisms for promoting innovation and cooperation in tourism should be based on a clearly defined strategy and guided by appropriate guidelines to ensure that they promote a competitive market, which allows free play forces, in accordance with the principles of sustainable tourism development. 

Ainsi, analyzing and understanding the process of innovation in tourism are more urgent than ever. In Morocco, for several professional and responsible, innovation is limited to new communication technologies and the opening of a website, while innovation is all business functions: including the overall design of product, management, financial engineering, marketing, entertainment, staff management ... In short, intangible innovations in the organization and also services a large part in the development of supply ... "Innovation is a process and not an effect of direct and immediate a new deal on the economic and social fabric of a given environment. "(Alter, 2002) 

L'innovation key to economic and social development factor, has become an essential tool of development strategies, growth and job creation. To achieve this process in the tourism sector, it is obviously necessary to take into account new data from globalization, new requirements for sustainable tourism development, the new tourist behavior that determine consumption patterns against which new the tourism offer must adapt. But also, the contribution of new information technology and communication (ICT). 

EN fact, tourism is one of the activities that require service excellence on the one hand, and the structures of adequate physical infrastructure (hotels, restaurants, transport ...) and, secondly, a treatment effective information . Place to be filled by ICT, appears essential to make tourism a real lever for development. 

These examples of actions must also create enthusiasm and awareness necessary to achieve the objectives of the program contract for 2010. 


The development of sustainable tourism, offering innovative discoveries with the involvement of local people and conservation of the environment seems to be really smart and able to respond to real challenges of sustainable development in Morocco. However, be aware that tourism, even sustainable, is not the "panacea" to the problems of development. It should certainly not be a "monoactivity" that could lead to quasitotale dependency, knowing that tourism South has a lot of trouble to overcome the dominance of Northern multinationals, particularly in the areas of dissemination information and destination marketing. 

The tourism is not necessarily the most promising sector development in Morocco, but the durability is certainly a need for tourism, as for this country, its various wealth and development. 

By Fatima ARIB