It is obvious that the capital of the Souss is a priority, a resort of choice, a quintessential attraction pole. Its bay rises to the forefront among the most exclusive bays on the planet. Its climate sparkles leniency year round and back enchants visitors of all stripes. So far, it has only put the package on this resort gives at promotion, but are more concerned about the potential ecotourism opportunities which contains high scale. This is in line with the revitalization of this potential that the Regional Council Souss Massa Draa and the Network of Rural Tourism Development (RDTR) held last Thursday, a meeting dedicated to rural tourism. Several institutional stakeholders, professionals and association members have indicated to the rich debate around this segment of tourism, including the Regional Delegate of Tourism, responsible for the regional tourism SMD Council, the President of RDTR, the
representative of CRT the presidents of several CPT, President of the Association of Country Tourist Home Ida Outanane, representatives of some tourism development associations, carriers of tourism projects in the region as well as journalists from the national and regional press . The meeting was chaired by Mr. Philippe Voisenet, managing director of the NGO International Tourism Sans Frontières (TSF), and tourism consultant and lecturer at the University Lyon 2 and IAE Toulouse. On this occasion, has created a climate of exchange and sharing relevant, between local actors in rural tourism in order to best practices for tourism development in rural areas and building partnership opportunities between operators, funders and associations active in this area. Indeed, Tourism Sans Frontières (TSF) is an NGO whose mission is to encourage and support the sustainable tourism development in disadvantaged areas. In Morocco, TSF has been working since 2007 on various areas of the Souss Massa Draa region. TSF supports and territories with real tourist potential but can not claim to be rural tourist destinations themselves. After presenting an overview of the history of rural tourism in Morocco, Philippe Voisenet emphasized the complementarity between seaside tourism, cultural tourism of the imperial cities and rural tourism which is a third pillar to strengthen the product of the other two . This type of tourism must ensure a sustainable approach that necessarily requires the involvement of professional actors alongside governments. However, rural tourism suffers from lack of structure professionals, hence the specificity of RDTR who plays the role of interface between professionals among themselves and with local authorities. Thus, it is possible to implement a range of quality accommodation and restaurants as well as recreational and entertainment activities. This offer is a compelling requirement to convert waypoints real destination room. This mission that RDTR has set a target among other perfectly meets the expectations that participants vis-à-vis the Network. Added to this is support in marketing. The tricolor He therefore reminded that RDTR should be a lever for tourism development highlighting the specifics of each project in each province: competitive advantages, potential natural, cultural, historical ...
Marketing will be based on this differentiation as was presented during the day as part of the strategy for e-marketing. With this, it is to promote the region via a website and transform a request for information to book. A graphic has been developed for this purpose. Also, the participants expressed the need to promote and market the products of rural tourism internationally including through effective participation in various international exhibitions such as the case of the region of Marrakech. Needless to say, finally, that the expansion of tourism which travel the world provide a special interest should rise inexorably for the fortification of basic infrastructure (access, public facilities, ecological preservation, security ...)
This meeting resulted in a proposed partnership between the NGO and RDTR Tourism Without Borders, especially at the parts support, training and coaching and the participants expressed their commitment to the proposed partnership. They likewise emphasized the importance of working together with all stakeholders to address several needs such as identification of supply, support local Relay ...