Rural tourism: the valuation of territories

The development of rural tourism is based on projects to develop the territories. Result of local initiatives, it is accompanied by cultural dynamics and the involvement of many actors. Abroad, rural tourism falls primarily in the context of development aid to help in the fight against poverty. 

In France 

Rural tourism is characterized by an offer from a wide variety of both private providers but also local authorities, wishing to exploit their territories. As such, it involves work on regional identity. In addition, the development of rural tourism needs to seek growth themes and offer a variety of entertainment. 

Regarding the reception, the trend in recent years has resulted in an increase in the number of accommodation and food (bed & breakfast tables and campsites, farm inns ...) units, parallel to larger structures such as holiday villages. 

In terms of activities, besides the cultural component is essentially the enhancement of the environment that creates a dynamic (development of hiking trails, greenways, for example) and the complementarity with specific characteristic activities regions (climbing, equestrian tourism in particular). 

According to the Permanent Conference of Rural Tourism (CPTR), the needs of travelers are in favor of rural tourism as it creates a break from the stresses of urban life, contributes to healing and creating links with the host country. 

Urbanization continues to encroach on areas rich in plant and animal diversity. Urban pressure increases particularly in fragile areas, especially in the plain of Alsace, the Rhone Valley, Western Brittany and the Mediterranean coast. Therefore, the development of territories is accompanied by specific actions to preserve natural areas. 

The Permanent Centres of Initiatives for the Environment (EIPC), numbering 74 in all of France, are associations serving the regions. 
They work with local stakeholders and implement priority actions that showcases local heritage and taking into account the preservation of natural environments. 

Examples of actions: creation of discovery nature trails and heritage accommodation spaces (exhibits, nature trails), implementation of outputs ecotourists ... 

In 2002, it was created in 2000 the "Network of Great Sites of France" which includes twenty sites throughout the French territory. The aim is to draw up a joint development project and land management in a sustainable development perspective. 

Some benchmarks for rural tourism in France :
  • The campaign is the first tourist area frequented by the French in number of stays (36% in 2001), but the second in number of overnight stays (32% in 2001), following the coastline. 
  • Foreign customers has doubled between 1990 and 1998 most represented nationalities are: British, German and Dutch. In addition, spending by non-resident tourists are on average almost double those of the French. 
  • The seasonal effect has little impact since attendance is steady throughout the year. 
  • The Paris region are over-represented (34% of schools in rural areas in 2000 against 26% all areas combined). 
  • The country is the place where we went most to be with family or friends. 
Source: CPTR 
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